I got a new job yesterday. Starting the week after next I work at Stanley Esrey and Buckley as a legal assistant. My sister and I went to Macon yesterday too to visit my grandmother. She suggested that we go out and celebrate and my Aunt suggested Ryan's. My sister quickly agreed and so it was settled. I wanted the ice cream with lots of toppings. Ryan's was gross but it was only $8.00 a person and my grandmother paid. I don't want her to die. When I was younger I would cry myself to sleep thinking about how eventually she will die. I don't cry thinking about it anymore, but I could. No one close to me has ever died and I am pretty sure that I will have a nervous breakdown. I will be carted away to a looney bin and pumped with anti depressants. So this is how you make the slow and steady progression from a new job to being institutionalized.